Hohhot is the capital of Inner Mongolia, which is about 500 kilometers away from Beijing. This page will focus on how to travel from Beijing to Hohhot.

beijing to hohhot

Step 1:Book a flight ticket or train ticket from Beijing to Hohhot.

Beijing to Hohhot by plane

There are many flights flying from Beijing to Hohhot everyday. It takes about one hour to fly between the two cities. Discount tickets available most of the time.  The  flights take off at Beijing Capital International Airport or Nanyuan Airport and arrive at Hohhot Baita Airport. Book a Flight Ticket

How to get to Beijing Capital International Airport
It is about 25 kilometers from the center of Beijing to Beijing Capital International Airport. Airport Express lines, airport buses, taxis are available. >>read more
Arriving at Hohhot Baita Airport
There are airport bus from the airport to the downtown. Ticket price: CNY8. Duration:30min
Route: From the airport to the Airline ticket office in Xinhua Square

Beijing to Hohhot by train

There are 15 trains travelling from Beijing to Hohhot everyday. It takes 6-12hours to travel between the two cities. Ticket from CNY72.Book a Train Ticket

Ticket price overview
Soft Sleeper from CNY197
Hard Sleeper from CNY129
Hard Seat from CNY72

There are four railway stations in Beijing. The trains travelling from Beijing to Hohhot usually depart at Beijing Railway Station or Beijing West Railway Station and arrive at Hohhot Railway Station or Hohhot East Railway Station.

Arriving at Hohhot Railway Station
Hohhot Railway Station is in the downtown of Hohhot. No.1,2,5,7,13,17,22,23,24,29,30,32,34,37,41,51,60,61,71,73,82,90,302,303 Bus are available if you want to go to other places in Hohhot.

Arriving at Hohhot East Railway Station

No.19, 83 Bus are available.

Step 2: Book a hotel in Hohhot.

You can use this hotel map tool to find your hotel. Book a hotel in Hohhot

Step 3: Take a tour in Hohhot.

Grassland is one of the unique features of Inner Mongolia. You can go to Xilamuren Grassland, which is near Hohhot.

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