Kunming is the capital of Yunnan Province. It is located in the southwest of China. This page is about how to travel from Beijing to Kunming.

beijing to kunming

Step 1: Book a train ticket or flight ticket from Beijing to Kunming.

Beijing to Kunming by plane

There are over 30 flights flying from Beijing to Kunming everyday. It takes about 3h30min to fly from Beijing Capital International Airport to Kunming Changshui International Airport. Discount tickets are available. Ticket price from CNY1000. Book a Flight Ticket

How to get to Beijing Capital International Airport
It is about 25 kilometers from the center of Beijing to Beijing Capital International Airport. Airport Express lines, airport buses, taxis are available. >>read more
Arriving at Kunming Changshui International Airport
Passengers may take Subway Line 6(CNY6) or NO.903 Bus to the downtown. Airport buses are also available. Ticket fare: CNY25
Line1 Kunming Airport-Xinying Residence Community – Xiongye Hotel-Xiyi Hotel
Line2 Kunming Airport-Xinying Residence Community- Taili Hotel-Jinjiang Hotel-Wujiaba Airport
Line3 Kunming Airport-Expo Garden-Beichen Fortune Center-Linyu Road(North downtown)

Beijing to Kunming by train

There are 3 trains travelling from Beijing to Kunming everyday, i.e the No.Z53, No.Z161 and No.K473. The trains depart at Beijing West Railway Station or Beijing Train Station and arrive at Kunming Railway Station.Book a Train Ticket
Ticket price overview
Soft Sleeper: from CNY849
Hard Sleeper: from CNY536
Hard Seat: CNY317
Duration: 33h-44h

How to get to Beijing West Railway Station

Take Subway Line 9 and get off at Beijing West Railway Station.

Take Subway Line 1 and get off at Military Museum, then take No.21,99,320 Bus to Beijing West Railway Station.

Arriving at Kunming Railway Station
Bus available: No.2,23,K1,24,25,31,44,59,60,80,107,134,140,202,209,914 Bus

Step 2: Book a hotel in Kunming.

There are varies options if you would like to book a hotel in Kunming. Use the Hotel Map Tool to find your hotel according to locations. We ChinaTour.Net offer hotel booking service. Book a Hotel in Kunming

Step 3: Take a tour in Kunming.

Kunming is called Spring City for its mild climate. Stone Forest in Kunming is listed as a world heritage by UNESCO. Kunming is the capital of Yunnan Province. It is very convenient to travel to other cities in Yunnan, such as Lijiang, Dali, Xishuangbanna, Yuanyang etc. Book a Kunming local tour

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