Taiyuan is the capital of Shanxi Province. It is about 520km away from Beijing. The following are the steps you should do if you want to travel from Beijing to Taiyuan.

beijing to taiyuan

Step 1: Book a flight ticket or train ticket from Beijing to Taiyuan.

Beijing to Taiyuan by plane

It takes about 1 hour to fly from Beijing to Taiyuan. There are 7 flights flying between the two cities everyday. Book a Flight Ticket

How to get to Beijing Capital International Airport
It is about 25 kilometers from the center of Beijing to Beijing Capital International Airport. Airport Express lines, airport buses, taxis are available. >>read more
Arriving at Taiyuan Wusu Airport
The transportation of Taiyuan Wusu Airport
Public bus
You can take No.201,901 Bus to the downtown.
from Taiyuan Airport to the downtown, cost from CNY50
Airport Bus
Ticket price: CNY15
Route: Wusu Airport-Taiyu Road-Jianshe Road-Taiyuan Railway Station- Yingze Street-Wuyi Square

Beijing to Taiyuan by train

Taking a train from Beijing to Taiyuan is quite convenient because there are so many trains travelling between the two cities everyday. The fastest are high-speed trains, which the train number start with a “G”. It takes only 2h30min to 3h to get to Taiyuan from Beijing.

Ticket price overview
Business Seat CNY605
Deluxe Seat CNY364
First Class Seat CNY285
Second Class Seat CNY194

The train number starts with an “D” are also very fast trains, which takes a little longer than the “G” trains, that is about 3h30min.

Ticket price overview
First Class Seat CNY217
Second Class Seat CNY152

For other normal fast trains, it takes 5-13hours to travel from Beijing to Taiyuan according to different trains.

Ticket price overview

Deluxe Soft Sleeper from CNY372
Soft Sleeper from CNY197
Hard Sleeper from CNY129
Hard Seat from CNY67

Step 2: Book a hotel in Taiyuan.

There are hotels of different star rates and locations. We ChinaTour.Net offer hotel booking service with the best value. 5-Star hotels from CNY398, 4-star hotels from CNY229, 3-star hotes from CNY188. If you want to find a hotel according to the locations, use this Hotel Map Tool to help you. Book a hotel in Taiyuan

Step 3: Take a tour in Taiyuan.

Qiao’s Courtyard Houses Complex and Jinci Temple are two famous attractions in Taiyuan. If you have a few days to spare, it is highly suggested that you go to some other attractions in Shanxi Province, not far from Taiyuan, such as Pingyao Ancient Town, Yungang Grottoes and Hanging Monastery in Datong, Wutai Moutain in Xinzhou, Hukou Waterfall in Linfen, etc.Book a local tour

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