Xiamen lies in the south of China. It is about 2000 km away from Beijing. The page will focus on How to Travel from Beijing to Xiamen.

beijing to xiamen

Step 1: Book a flight ticket or train ticket from Beijing to Xiamen.

It is 2000 km south of Beijing. Though train is available from Beijng to Xiamen, it is suggested you take a plane to travel between the two cities. There are about 18 direct flights from Beijing to Xiamen. It takes about 2-3 hours to fly from Beijing to Xiamen.

Beijing to Xiamen by Plane

There are about 18 direct flights from Beijing to Xiamen. It takes about 2-3 hours to fly from Beijing to Xiamen. Price range from 472CNY. Discount available most of the time. The flight takes off at Beijing Capital International Airport and arrive at Xiamen Gaoqi International Airport.

How to get to Beijing Capital International Airport
It is about 25 kilometers from the center of Beijing to Beijing Capital International Airport. Airport Express lines, airport buses, taxis are available. >>read more
Arriving at Xiamen Gaoqi International Airport
Xiaman Gaoqi International Airport is in the downtown of the city. It is very convenient to go to other places in Xiamen. If you want to go to Gulangyu, you can take the airport bus to Lundu Port and then take a boat to Gulangyu.
Airport Bus
Running Hours: 8:40-the last flight of the day
Ticket price: 10 CNY per person
Route: Airport terminal building-Songbai Inter-city bus station-Railway Station-Lundu Port
Taxis are also available. Prices range from 8 CNY(within 3km),2 CNY per km for the excess part.
There are also public buses ( No.27,37,41,81,91,84,BRT1,BRT2) available to other places in Xiamen.

Beijing to Xiamen by Train

There are only one direct train from Beijing to Xianmen everyday. It starts at Beijing West Railway Station and arrvie at Xiamen Railway Station. The train number is K307. The departure time of the train is 11:57 and the arriving time is 19:33 the next day. The duration is about 32hours.
Book a Train Ticket

Ticket price overview
Hard Seat 251CNY
Hard Sleeper from 426CNY
Soft Sleeper from 673CNY

How to get to Beijing West Railway Station
Take Subway Line 9 and get off at Beijing West Railway Station.
Take Subway Line 1 and get off at Military Museum, then take No.21,99,320 Bus to Beijing West Railway Station.

We ChinaTour.Net offer a railway station drop-off service. Price from 300CNY. >>More details

Arriving at Xiamen Railway Station
Xiamen Railway Station is in the downtown of Xiamen. It is very convenient to travel around the city. Public buses and taxis are available.

Step 2: Book a hotel in Xiamen.

There are many hotels of different star rates. We ChinaTour.Net offer a hotel online booking service with the best value. Book a hotel in Xiamen

Step 3: Take a tour in Xiamen.

Gulangyu Island is the most famous scenic area in Xiamen.We ChinaTour.Net offer a tour service. Contact us to customize your tour. Book a Xiamen tour

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