Shanghai and Suzhou are very close to each other.

Shanghai to Suzhou by train

High-speed trains

G Trains

Departure time from 5:56 to 21:10
Duration 21min-44min
Depart from Shanghai Hongqiao Station, Shanghai Station or Shanghai West Station.
Arrive at Suzhou Station, Suzhou North Station, Suzhou Industrial Park Station or Suzhou New District Station.
Ticket fare
Business Class Seat CNY 91-121.5
First Class Seat CNY 46-64.5
Second Class Seat CNY29.5-39.5

D Trains

Departure time from 6:30 to 22:00
Duration 25min-1h
Depart from Shanghai Hongqiao Station or Shanghai Station
Arrive at Suzhou Station, Suzhou North Station, Suzhou Industrial Park Station or Suzhou New District Station.
Ticket fare
First Class Seat CNY26.5-39.5
Second Class Seat CNY 22.5-28.5

Normal Trains

Departure time from 4:16 to 23:48
Duration 43min-1h46min
Depart from Shanghai Station or Shanghai South Station
Arrive at Suzhou Station.
Ticket fare
Deluxe Soft Sleeper CNY156.5/167.5
Soft Sleeper CNY88.5-98.5
Hard Sleeper CNY58.5-69.5
Hard Seat CNY12.5-15.5

Suzhou to Shanghai by train

G Trains

Departure time from 6:52 to 22:20
Duration 23min-43min
Depart from Suzhou Station, Suzhou North Station, Suzhou Industrial Park Station, Suzhou New District Station.
Arrive at Shanghai Hongqiao Station,Shanghai Station or Shanghai West Station.
Ticket fare
Business Class Seat CNY 91-121.5
First Class Seat CNY 46-64.5
Second Class Seat CNY29.5-39.5

D Trains

Departure time from 6:56 to 22:32
Duration 26min to 52min
Depart from Suzhou Station, Suzhou North Station, Suzhou Industrial Park Station, Shanghai Hongqiao Station.
Ticket fare
First Class Seat CNY26.5-39.5
Second Class Seat CNY 22.5-25.5

Normal Trains

Departure time from 4:56 to 21:49
Duration 52min-2h7min
Depart from Suzhou Station.
Arrive at Shanghai Station, Shanghai South Station.
Ticket fare
Deluxe Soft Sleeper CNY156.5/167.5
Soft Sleeper CNY88.5-98.5
Hard Sleeper CNY58.5-69.5

Click here for more information about train travel in China: tickets purchase,change and cancellation,children ticket,luggage allowance, and etc.

We ChinaTour.Net offers a reliable online train booking service. We have Train Schedules in English. It will be very easy for you to find your target train. Then, we will book the tickets for you. Only a few service fees charged. Book a Train Ticket

Recommended Shanghai-Suzhou Tours:

1 Day Tour to Suzhou and Zhouzhuang (from Shanghai, back) from $107
4 Day 3 Night Shanghai, Zhouzhuang and Suzhou Tour Package from $358    >>more tours

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