Hi, my dear friends, I am Jessica. I became an English tour guide for CHINATOUR.net in Beijing in 2018 and I really love this job. Why? I meet friendly tourists from different countries, and what’s most important: we share. I give them a brief introduction about China: the land, the people, history, religions, languages, and last but not least, cuisines! I used to be a teacher, teaching foreigners Chinese languages, culture, history and cooking at college. I love to travel too. It’s such a wonderful experience: we meet people and embrace different cultures, hence we know it is such a big, big world. Travelling opens up our eyes and broadens our mind. I would say the best part of the journey is when you feel that long-lost touching moment: contented and peaceful, in a strange place.
Let me quote a poem by William Blake, the English writer.
Auguries of innocence
To See the World in a Grain of Sand,
And a Heaven in a Wild Flower.
Hold Infinity in the Palm of Your Hand,
And Eternity in an Hour.
Please come with me, my dear friends! I am your tour guide, Jessica.
Set foot on the land and meet the people here!
Your exciting journey is full of fun and it is also a learning course: go sightseeing and embrace Chinese culture and history as well. Enjoy the delicious food and pick up some Chinese language!
Walk through the Long Corridor in the Summer Palace while appreciating 14,000+ traditional Chinese paintings, and get a taste of the aesthetics of imperial gardening!

Please join us and let’s have more funs!