Review of Air E-Ticket by David

Air E-Ticket

On a recent trip to China I wished to visit Xian and surrounding areas. It was an ‘on short notice’ business trip and I was unable to do any prior research. ChinaTour was a company mentioned to me by my hotel. I was very dubious using a company on the net that I had not used before, however I really wanted to visit Xian in the short time that I had. I did an after hours booking and due to an internet issue I wasn’t sure that the booking had proceeded. In fact I had booked twice without being aware. I might add that this was done quite late in the evening. Early the next morning I arrived at the airport (Shanghai) and there was no record of my booking. I thought that I had been duped by a ‘dishonest’ company.. However, within 10 minutes I received a phone call from a lovely lady from ChinaTour who told me (in English) they’d only just opened and were processing my order. They saw that I had bought the ticket twice ,which at that stage I was unaware of. The money was refunded into my account within 2days and I had a wonderful flight to Xian, tours and return. A wonderful experience and a lovely, honest company to deal with.. Thank You... Highly Recommended!

Rating: 4 of 5 Stars! [4 of 5 Stars!]
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