It has been a terrible experience for me to discuss with you (machine) on this booking for more than 10 days without result...
in the reservation you don't see all the names, you can send me the complete reservation to make the payment..
Dear all, 1.I would want to change my payment method to visa card. Is it possible? 2. I want to travel such that I can arrive in the morning hours in Beijing. Please advice accordingly. Thank you...
I am in the airport now and missed my flight because ChinaTour.NET and their representative namrd Carlyle has not confirmed my booking eventhough I booked my flight 2 days prior to the scheduled departure...
No one is answering the phone. I went to the airport for my flight but my booking has not been confirmed eventhough I booked my ticket 2 days prior to my scheduled departure...
Once the customercexits your website, the booking should be confirmed because you have charged the customer's credit card already...
Once the customercexits your website, the booking should be confirmed because you have charged the customer's credit card already...
Booked air ticket 18 hours ago but still in processing.Waiting is too much.Pls send confirm ticket as soon as possible...
How do I get the airline ticket? How do I know about luggages, seats? I need all the informations! Thanks and regards BRUNO!..
thought i bought a ticket thru for wait confirmation email..and wait..still waiting..18 hours later still don't know if i have a ticket..flight takes off in 6 i buy another price inflated..only to find out at last minute i have been charged for this one..sent numerous emails..many phone calls and ZERO response..unacceptable unprofessional and nerve wracking..never ever had this kind of experience for travel before..extremely disappointed..
The on-line check-in doesn't work with the confirmed booking information (no ticket number is given, nor my passport No. is recognized)..