Reviews of Air Ticket by 47 customers

Price from $0
Air Ticket
Average Rating: 3.06 of 5 (Base on 47 travellers reviews)      Write a Review

It has been a terrible experience for me to discuss with you (machine) on this booking for more than 10 days without result...

1 of 5 Star

in the reservation you don't see all the names, you can send me the complete reservation to make the payment..

4 of 5 Star

Kindly confirm it I will pay through bank in morning

5 of 5 Star

Kindly confirm it I will pay through bank in morning

5 of 5 Star

Dear all, 1.I would want to change my payment method to visa card. Is it possible? 2. I want to travel such that I can arrive in the morning hours in Beijing. Please advice accordingly. Thank you...

4 of 5 Star

please when are you sending me the ticket

5 of 5 Star

I still didn’t get replay from you

1 of 5 Star

This is my payment

1 of 5 Star

I want to cancel my ticket. When you can send my money back?..

2 of 5 Star

The contact numbers are useless. No one is answering my calls...

1 of 5 Star

I am in the airport now and missed my flight because ChinaTour.NET and their representative namrd Carlyle has not confirmed my booking eventhough I booked my flight 2 days prior to the scheduled departure...

1 of 5 Star

No one is answering the phone. I went to the airport for my flight but my booking has not been confirmed eventhough I booked my ticket 2 days prior to my scheduled departure...

1 of 5 Star

Once the customercexits your website, the booking should be confirmed because you have charged the customer's credit card already...

1 of 5 Star

Once the customercexits your website, the booking should be confirmed because you have charged the customer's credit card already...

1 of 5 Star

Copy of ticket

5 of 5 Star

Booked air ticket 18 hours ago but still in processing.Waiting is too much.Pls send confirm ticket as soon as possible...

2 of 5 Star

How do I get the airline ticket? How do I know about luggages, seats? I need all the informations! Thanks and regards BRUNO!..

3 of 5 Star

Issued my ticket please

5 of 5 Star

Waiting for your reply please it’s almost 24 hours

3 of 5 Star

I payed through pay pal ! Thank you

4 of 5 Star

thought i bought a ticket thru for wait confirmation email..and wait..still waiting..18 hours later still don't know if i have a ticket..flight takes off in 6 i buy another price inflated..only to find out at last minute i have been charged for this one..sent numerous emails..many phone calls and ZERO response..unacceptable unprofessional and nerve wracking..never ever had this kind of experience for travel before..extremely disappointed..

1 of 5 Star

The on-line check-in doesn't work with the confirmed booking information (no ticket number is given, nor my passport No. is recognized)..

1 of 5 Star

Very fast and reliable, instant replay too thank you.

5 of 5 Star