Reviews of 2 Days Tour (Hangzhou to Xian, round trip, Terra-cotta Warriors) by 1 customers

Price from $487
2 Days Tour (Hangzhou to Xian, round trip, Terra-cotta Warriors)
Average Rating: 4.00 of 5 (Base on 1 travellers reviews)      Write a Review

We were met at the airport by our guide inspite of our delayed flight. She gave us a good introduction about the place as we head out of the airport. We went straight to the lunch buffet. Although there were an array of choices, food wasn't appetizing. Coffee which can easily be thrown as part of the meal didn't come free. Walking tour under the heat and coming from a flight wasn't the best idea both for us and the guide Language barrier is a setback as our tour guide can't seem to follow the conversation if the topic is outside of the itinerary. Nevertheless, she's been very patient and gave us a good tour within the time allowed...

4 of 5 Star