# 250320 Mellyzha Tobias ticket payment from Jinan to Jakarta through ICBC bank..
Mile Babić passport expire data is 1.11.2028. and Vladan Novović passport expire data is 6.8.2023...
One of my best experiences in booking flights so simple to use and no payment complications, i’d like to use it for all my flights not only in china..
Ok Bety I prefer this fligh in Singapore Airline is better to me . Could you book ?..
I prefer this flight because I am cruise with children and don’t want arrive at night later..
Very disappointed this time as we booked our flights to Shanghai and didn't get confirmation after 2 says waiting. So cancelled our booking..
Dear China Tour. Could you confirm me if you can process my reservation. Thanks. Jaime Salinas..
Debit Card Payment processing is disappointing and this has nothing to do with my Bank...
Can you please give me feedback on my emails ????? Why is it taking so log? -Trine..