Reviews of Beijing Cheng Hong Hotel by 2 customers

Price from $33
Beijing Cheng Hong Hotel
Average Rating: 3.50 of 5 (Base on 2 travellers reviews)      Write a Review

I second Michael's comments. It is cheap but if your room is on highway side it is very hard to sleep. Another strange thing is the hotel's deposit policy, they ask for room's double price for deposit. I had no problem to get my deposit back. Hotel area is safe, I walked in the middle of the night in the streets...

4 of 5 Star

The hotel is cheap and still offers many services. Therefore I recommend it. However it is old and communication in English is difficult, but possible. The guest can have a tasty breakfast with various dishes for a very low price. Try to find a room that is not directly near the city freeway, because it is noisy...

3 of 5 Star