Reviews of Beijing Zhongtang Courtyard hotel by 1 customers

Price from $43
Beijing Zhongtang Courtyard hotel
Average Rating: 5.00 of 5 (Base on 1 travellers reviews)      Write a Review

The Zhongtang Courtyard hotel was fascinating ! A genuine old courtyard home in a Hutong (a narrow little street) done up to be a first class hotel. This was a piece of China's history. There were two courtyards and seventeen bedrooms. Ours was ensuite and I assume that all had bathrooms although ours had a shower. This suited us perfectly. The staff were very helpful and the man, in particular had very good English. Breakfast was included - we had bacon and eggs and toast. Rooms had wifi and there were three computers for the use of guests at reception. Beds in China are firmer than in Europe but I suffered no problems at all. I would definitely book into this hotel again...

5 of 5 Star