Reviews of Dalian Xinghai Golf Hotel by 1 customers

Price from $79
Dalian Xinghai Golf Hotel
Average Rating: 3.00 of 5 (Base on 1 travellers reviews)      Write a Review

Quiet hotel with good location near Xinghai square. Nothing special, usual rooms, TV, central conditioneer (however, I had some difficutlies when it was too cold in my room, to heat it). The staff is friendly but have very poor English. The food in the restaurant is not very tasty for European, though there are many dishes, I only liked very few. The girl at the reception denied to print one-page document for me, and sent me to the "business-center" on the second floor, where I had to pay 4 yuans for this. However, if you are not looking for a luxury but rather for an inexpensive stay in China, this hotel is not a bad option...

3 of 5 Star