Reviews of Guangzhou Jianghe Hotel by 1 customers

Price from $45
Guangzhou Jianghe Hotel
Average Rating: 3.00 of 5 (Base on 1 travellers reviews)      Write a Review

Good day for all. I am stay in this hotel only one night. The hotel is strange. They located in first 10 floor of 24floor building and lift to your floor you must wait 10 min, because lot of people use it for own living room up hotel floor -10-24 floors. Not have any bar or restourant, if you want eat-go to the steet and try find. The room is good for this 35usd, free internet, many condoms in a room! why?! The nearly live china's man - the music, ladys, walking near my door all night. Early morning start traffic under my window - so many auto signals in 6a.m. , the windows is from metal, not good quality - all wind and sound from street in your room on 10floor!!!! But in result -if you pay no more 35usd - this is good price for this room. I am repeat -this is room, not hotel!..

3 of 5 Star