Reviews of Hangzhou Braim Wansong Hotel by 1 customers

Price from $37
Hangzhou Braim Wansong Hotel
Average Rating: 4.00 of 5 (Base on 1 travellers reviews)      Write a Review

The Hangzhou Braim Wanson hotel was very nice, located just 3 minutes' walk from the Wanson Academy, and about 10-15 minutes' walk from the West Lake. The room was clean and reasonably spacious ('fitted another bed for our son without a problem). We ate in the Restaurant in the evening and the staff took great pains to take care of us despite our lack of Chinese language knowledge. The breakfast buffet was very good. the Hotel is not used to getting european travelers, so the administrative part took a bit longer than usual, but for us its was more of an advantage than anything else...

4 of 5 Star