Reviews of Nanning Yonggui Hotel by 1 customers

Price from $36
Nanning Yonggui Hotel
Average Rating: 4.00 of 5 (Base on 1 travellers reviews)      Write a Review

Hi, I stayed in Yonggui Hotel from 10 Dec till 17 Dec 2013. Nice hotel with nice room and good & pleasant counter service. Only bad thing is the location of the hotel. it is situated beside Minzu Ave which is a very busy highway. You can't reach the other side of the highway as there is barrier in between. This makes it difficult to get transport especially taxi. If you are on the wrong side of the road the taxi will have to make a big round to reach the hotel. Furthermore, many taxi driver doesn't seem to know this hotel well and some of them makes many round to find it. I am forced to stop somewhere near the Hawaii Hotel which is near Yuanhu road and then walk back to Yonggui Hotel. Another bad thing is that the road outside the hotel is very dark at night...

4 of 5 Star