Qingdao Ou Lu Business Hotel

Hotel Information


  Yi 23 Dexian Road, Shinan District, Qingdao, Shandong Province | Area: Shinan, Zhanqiao&Railway Station District

Qingdao Oulu Business Hotel is a modern hotel, located near to Zhongshan Road Commercial Street, surrounded by many shops and banks. The 4-storey hotel has 60 guestrooms and suites, different restaurants and chess room.

Restaurant: Restaurant.

Recreation: Game room.

Transportation: - 5-min-walk to Zhanqiao; - 5km to Badaguan Scenery Spot; - 8km to Wusi Plaza; - 1.5km to Qingdao Railway Station; - 7km to Coach Station; - 2.5km to Harbor; - 30km to Liuting Airport.

31601239Price for date from 2023-12-19 to 2023-12-22 can not be loaded, please try other hotels.


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