Reviews of Shanghai Donghu Hotel by 2 customers

Price from $100
Shanghai Donghu Hotel
Average Rating: 3.50 of 5 (Base on 2 travellers reviews)      Write a Review

We were in the hotel in September, 2 nights. Standards room: very small, window to dirty street, with next building close. The staff has started cleaning of nearby rooms in the morning with TV switched on full volume, and cries over corridor. The breakfast: you have to cross the street, it is neither Chinese nor European style, just tasteless; chemical juices - for $17.00. Check out might take more time than expected...

3 of 5 Star

We were pleased with this hotel's location, cleanliness and room. It's located in the French Concession area of Shanghai within convenient taxi/walking distance to many sights. The hotel staff are efficient and helpful when approached. Our room faced the front and had a balcony. Even though you are close to main streets, this hotel is quietly tucked in away from traffic. I would recommend this hotel to other travellers...

4 of 5 Star