Reviews of Shanghai Jianguo Hotel by 2 customers

Price from $99
Shanghai Jianguo Hotel
Average Rating: 3.50 of 5 (Base on 2 travellers reviews)      Write a Review

Hotel was at nice location .. room were good and clean. Only problem was Slow internet .. i complained also but nothing happened. But over all it was good to stay at this hotel. Thanks..

4 of 5 Star

This hotel is in a good position relative to the metro. It doesn't live up to its "star rating" though, the bathroom was small with no separate shower. Prices were generally high for the food services. I was disappointed by my booking through as I ended up paying 25% more than I had previously reserved the room and breakfast for. Neither the hotel or the booking agent were interested in my complaint. I will not use either on my next trip...

3 of 5 Star