Review of Shanghai Ocean Hotel by Josep

Shanghai Ocean Hotel

Absolutely appalling place. We stayed 3 nights in November in this institution - it does not deserve to be called a hotel, let alone a 4-star one. Just a few details about the place: it was impossible to get the room temperature lower than 26 degrees Celsius, it is very badly located and the prices are ridiculously high. But what really got us on edge began with a phone call we received on November 4th, at 22:30. It was, good heavens, the manager, a certain Mr. Wiseman (sic). The gentleman asked us what we had done to a hand towel, which their most competent staff had brought to his attention because it was tinged with red. We thought it was a joke, but managed to explain that my wife dyes her hair in a reddish colour (I think this is not forbidden in China). Then Mr. Wiseman decided that we had three options: either to wash the towel ourselves, to pay for special washing or to buy the towel. I took the last option and keep the offending towel (now perfectly white after a short stay in the washing machine) as a remembrance of all that nonsense.

Rating: 1 of 5 Stars! [1 of 5 Stars!]
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