Reviews of Shanghai South Hotel by 3 customers

Price from $24
Shanghai South Hotel
Average Rating: 1.67 of 5 (Base on 3 travellers reviews)      Write a Review

This hotel is terrible. I totally advice you avoid staying here. I can't believe someone could rate it as 4 stars, this is unbelievable. I was terribly surprized that there is not hot water in the bathroom, the small upstanding window was oppened (it was end of February) and the heating system works from 7.00 pm to 7.00 am (only the night). I was ready to go to another hotel, but they have changed my room and I didn't have time to deal with a..

3 of 5 Star

This hotel is terrible. I totally advice you avoid staying here. I can't believe someone could rate it as 4 stars, this is unbelievable. I was terribly surprized that there is not hot water in the bathroom, the small upstanding window was oppened (it was end of February) and the heating system works from 7.00 pm to 7.00 am (only the night). I was ready to go to another hotel, but they have changed my room and I didn't have time to deal with another hotel administration. I was freesing all the time, the administration doesn't speek english (except some words), it's nightmare to deal with chinese administration. In the restaurant they couldn't find a single spoon, even to mix the sugar in your coffee. So don't even think to stay there, look for another hotel. Ivo Bogdanov, Canada..

1 of 5 Star

This hotel is terrible. I totally advice you avoid staying here. I cant believe someone could rate it as 4 stars, this is unbelievable. First, the service is not four star at all - I stayed there when I was moving to Shanghai, so I carried three big bags and not a single soul to help out. Thats ok for a backpackers, but I really expected a better service. But thats nothing. That problem was that there was a terrible noise in my room that make me stay awake all night long, I put the pillow to cover the noisa, but I felt it was louder and louder. When I asked the maid ashe told me to go to frontdesk. It was 6 am. The frontdesk said that there's nothing they can do, it was the water boiler and it is a tube that goes across all rooms. After that, he said me that if I wanna change to a better room, I had to pay more 100 RMB, 30% more than I have paied already. In addition, the location is terrible, there is nothing nearby and the room didnt have windows...

1 of 5 Star