Reviews of Xining Qing Hai Province Military District Hotel by 1 customers

Price from $39
Xining Qing Hai Province Military District Hotel
Average Rating: 3.00 of 5 (Base on 1 travellers reviews)      Write a Review

the hotel is located not far from the city center and very near to the great mosque. The room that we had (standard II) was in what seems to be the old part of the hotel, which is not well maintained. The room was small with no much space left for our laugage. they don't clean the room at all during your stay. No AC but you don't really need it. breakfast is Chineese but they offered us coffee which was nice. Staff do not speak english at all and it is very hard to communicate with them if you don't speak the language. All and all, from what I have seen in China by now, it is not worth the room rate. Try to get a better hotel..

3 of 5 Star