Review of 1 Day Tour : Great Wall and Ming Tombs by Andrew

1 Day Tour : Great Wall and Ming Tombs

This is very good value for money. One would certainly go if time is an issue, if not anyway. As with all tour guides be it here or other countries, they speak too quickly. It is difficult for foreigners listening, with English as their second language. Especialy when being spoken to by a tour guide whom's English is also secondary. Less information, more poignant and relevant. Even a video on the bus between stops works well I have found. The bus was far too cold, and unnecessary so? For the driver it is just a job and it showed, but One can not be too critical as it happens all over the world. And One has traveled extensively. Feeling unnecessarily rushed.

Rating: 4 of 5 Stars! [4 of 5 Stars!]
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