Review of Train Ticket by Lim

Train Ticket

We booked the speed train ticket from Shanghai to Beijing through ChinaTour.Net due to we do not have wechat pay nor Alipay, and doesn't have China mobile number. Thanks to ChinaTour.Net, you've saved us a lot of hassle and we can just book from you and paid via credit card. Easy, convenient and fast. Anyway in the email you've stated we need to be there before 2 hrs to collect the ticket, we went there are realized foreigner just have to show passport while queue in line. It was linked to their system and they just key in our passport number will do. We do not have to go to counter and get the paper ticket. Overall, I strongly recommend ChinaTour.Net to all visitors who want to visit China.

Rating: 5 of 5 Stars! [5 of 5 Stars!]
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