Guiyang is the capital of Guizhou Province. This page will focus on how to travel from Beijing to Guiyang.

beijing to guiyang

Step1: Book a flight ticket or train ticket from Beijing to Guiyang.

Beijing to Guiyang by plane

There are over 10 flights flying from Beijing to Guiyang everyday. The planes depart from Beijing Capital International Airport or Nanyuan Airport and arrive at Guiyang Longdongbao Airport. It takes about 2-3 hours to fly between the two cities. Book a Flight Ticket

How to get to Beijing Capital International Airport
It is about 25 kilometers from the center of Beijing to Beijing Capital International Airport. Airport Express lines, airport buses, taxis are available. >>read more
Arriving at Guiyang Longdongbao Airport
Airport Bus: Guiyang Airport-Youzha Street-Memorial Tower-Qingyun Road Airline Ticket Office-Gym Railway Station
Ticket Price:CNY10
Running hours:the first flight to the last flight
Bus: No.46,216,243,244 Bus
Taxi: CNY8(day) CNY10(night) for the first 3km, CNY1 fuel surcharge

Beijing to Guiyang by train

There are four trains travelling from Beijing to Guiyang everyday. It takes about 28-38 hours to travel from Beijing West Railway Station to Guiyang Railway Station. Book a Train Ticket

Ticket price overview
Soft Sleeper: from CNY687.5
Hard Sleeper: from CNY434.5
Hard Seat: from CNY254.5

How to get to Beijing West Railway Station
Take Subway Line 9 and get off at Beijing West Railway Station.
Take Subway Line 1 and get off at Military Museum, then take No.21,99,320 Bus to Beijing West Railway Station.
Arriving at Guiyang Railway Station
You can take No.1,2,17,20,24,K29,29,43,60,61,65,74,203,216,253 Bus to other places in Guiyang.

Step 2: Book a hotel in Guiyang.

If you would like to book a hotel in Guiyang, there are a lot of choices. We ChinaTour.Net offers hotel booking service with the best value. Book a hotel in Guiyang

Step 3: Take a tour in Guiyang.

Guiyang is the capital of Guizhou Province. Guizhou is rich in tourist resources. Huangguoshu Waterfall is the largest waterfall in Asia. It is very convenient to travel to other places from Guiyang.Book a Guiyang tour

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