Mutianyu Great Wall FAST PASS offered by ChinaTour.Net. With our fast pass, we can skip the regular scenic shuttle bus queue and drive directly to the great wall entrance. This can save you time, especially during peak tourist seasons.

Mutianyu Fast Pass

Normal route: ticket center -> take scenic shuttle bus -> great wall entrance checkin (start hiking or take cable car up)
VIP Fast Pass: VIP car drives directly to great wall entrance checkin (start hiking or take cable car)

As you can see from the Mutianyu great wall map, normally tourists(no matter private or group tour) cars park at Mutianyu parking center, and all tourists have to buy shuttle bus tickets and take shuttles to get to the entrance of the great wall for hiking or taking cable car, because of large number of tourists, people have to wait in queue for the shuttle buses, which cost a lot of time here.

While with our FAST PASS, our private car can skip the shuttle bus transfer and go directly to the great wall entrance (close to the cable car entrance), which save hour+ time for you, which help you save time and enjoy a more convenient tour.

Mutianyu great wall shuttle bus

This picture was shot in winter low season. In high seasons, the waiting queue is very long, full of people in all lines.

Mutianyu great wall senice shuttle bus entrance, long queue in peak seasons, bus end point is the entrance of great wall.
With Fast Pass our VIP car can skip this shuttle bus queue and drive directly to the entrance of great wall to start hiking or take cable car.

Detail hiking guide for Mutianyu great wall: start from the great wall entrance checkin. 

Mutianyu great wall virtual tour

Mutianyu great wall private tour with VIP Fast Pass

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