Kung Fu Show at Red Theater

Kung Fu Show at Red Theater

Why Book with Us?

Save your trouble to book tickets on your own.
Round trip transfer service from your hotel to the theater, convenient and worry-free.
Tickets guaranteed during peak season.

How to Book?

  Ticket only

If you would like to book ticket only, you need to go to the theater by yourself. After the booking is  confirmed, you will receive a confirmation voucher by email. Show the voucher to the staff at the ticket office, then you will get the ticket.

The ticket can only be changed or cancelled at least 2 days in advance.

Location: Red Theater

No.44, Happiness(Xingfu) Avenue, Dongcheng District, Beijing. (北京东城区幸福大街44号)

  Ticket + hotel transfer

When you book the ticket, you need to notify us your exact visiting date, showtime and travelers’ names.

We include basic seat in our package. If you would like a VIP seat, please contact our tour operator.

Detailed information

  Ticket + hotel transfer

Tour Type: Ticket + private hotel transfer service (round trip)

Departure: Everyday

Show time: 17:15-18:25 19:30-20:40

Location: Red Theater

Pick you up from your hotel at appointed time according to your hotel location and showtime. Upon your arrival at the theater, you will get a show ticket.

After the show, our driver will transfer you back to your hotel.

Price includes:

  • Legend of Kung Fu show ticket (English subtitles)
  • Pick up and drop off service for Beijing downtown hotels

What to Expect?

Anyone who has seen classical Chinese Kung Fu movies will be deeply impressed by the Chinese Wushu, which is called Kung Fu or Chinese martial arts in the west.Wushu (also known as kung-fu or martial arts) is one of the typical demonstrations of traditional Chinese culture. It is a sport which utilizes both brawn and brain.

The show focuses on a young boy found wondering outside an ancient temple somewhere in China, who dreams of becoming a Kung Fu master. As with all stories, things don't go exactly according to plan. After being taken into the temple the young novice monk called Chun Yi (the pure one) has many temptations to overcome, but through hard work and over time he conquers and finally reaches his sacred goal of enlightenment.

The Legend of Kong fu Show

The Legend of Kong fu Show

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