There are 12 G trains travelling from Beijing to Hangzhou. The running hours of high-speed trains is between 7:25 and 16:47. These trains depart from Beijing South Train Station and arrive at Hangzhou East Train Station or Hangzhou Station.
The running hours of G trains from Hangzhou to Beijing is 7:18 to 17:26.
Ticket fare
Business Seat from 1947CNY
First Class Seat from 1037CNY
Second Class Seat from 619CNY
There are also normal fast trains travelling from Beijing Railway Station to Hangzhou Railway Station.Prices range from 189.5CNY.
How to get to Beijing South Railway Station
By subway: Subway Line 4 and Line 14 to Beijing South Subway Station, get off the exit and then walk to the Railway Station.
By Bus: No.20, 53, 63, 102, 106, 122, 203, 208, 377, 381, 454, 458, 485, 692, 741, 927, 939, 943, 958, 986, Te 3, Te 5, Yuntong 102 to Beijing South Railway Station.
By taxi: The cost from midtown Beijing to Beijing South Railway Station is normally around RMB30 depending on the type of taxi.
We ChinaTour.Net offer a railway station drop-off service, price range from 300CNY. We will pick you up at your hotel in Beijing downtown and drop you off at Beijing South Railway Station. >>More details
Arriving at Hangzhou Railway Station
Hangzhou Railway Station is very close to the West Lake, only 1 or 2 km away. Subway and public buses are available if you want to visit West Lake or other places in Hangzhou.
Recommended Hangzhou local tours:
1 Day Hangzhou City Coach Tour from $145
3 days Shanghai and Hangzhou Private Tour Package without hotel from$256 >>more tours