It is about 300km away from Shanghai to Nanjing.


Shanghai to Nanjing by train

G Trains
Departure time from 5:56 to 21:32
Duration 1h07min-2h05min
Depart from Shanghai Hongqiao Station, Shanghai Station or Shanghai West Station.
Arrive at Nanjing North Station or Nanjing Station.
Ticket fare
Business Class Seat CNY344-451.5 (G7341 CNY604.5)
First Class Seat CNY176-229.5 (G7341 CNY322)
Second Class Seat CNY 134.5-144.5 (G7341 CNY195)

D Trains
Departure time from 6:30 to 22:00
Duration 1h33min to 2h50min
Depart from Shanghai Hongqiao Station, Shanghai Station.
Arrive at Nanjing Station or Nanjing South Station.
Ticket fare
First Class Seat CNY111.5-144.5(D5601 CNY186)
Second Class Seat CNY87.5-95.5(D5601 CNY128.5)

Sleepers are available on some D Trains.
D314 Deluxe Soft Sleeper CNY336.5/379.5
Soft Sleeper CNY170.5/189.5
Soft Sleeper CNY314.5/354.5

Normal trains
Departure time from 4:16 to 23:48
Duration 2h24min-5h33min
Depart from Shanghai Station, Shanghai South Station
Arrive at Nanjing Train Station.
Ticket fare
Deluxe Soft Sleeper CNY250.5/261.5
Soft Sleeper CNY134.5-152.5
Hard Sleeper CNY86.5-104.5

Nanjing to Shanghai by train

G Trains
Departure time from 5:51 to 22:01
Duration 1h7min-2h7min
Depart from Nanjing South Station, Nanjing Station.
Arrive at Shanghai Hongqiao Station, Shanghai South Station, Shanghai Station.
Ticket price
Business Class Seat CNY365-451.5 (G7343 CNY604.5)
Deluxe Class Seat CNY231-271.5
First Class Seat CNY187-229.5(G7343 CNY322)
Second Class Seat CNY134.5-144.5(G7343 CNY195)

D Trains
Departure time from 6:22-21:01
Duration 1h36min-3h52min
Depart from Nanjing South Station,Nanjing Station.
Arrive at Shanghai Hongqiao Station or Shanghai Station.
Ticket fare
First Class Seat CNY111.5-186
Second Class Seat CNY 87.5-128.5
Sleepers are available on some D Trains.
D313 Deluxe Soft Sleeper CNY336.5/379.5
D311,305,321,313 Soft Sleeper CNY170.5/189.5
D315,317 Soft Sleeper CNY314.5/354.5

Normal trains
Departure time from 6:55-18:48
Duration 2h21min-5h18min
Depart from Nanjing Station
Arrive at Shanghai Station, Shanghai South Station
Ticket fare
Deluxe Soft Sleeper CNY250.5/261.5
Soft Sleeper CNY104-146.5
Hard Sleeper CNY64-100
Soft Seat CNY71.5
Hard Seat CNY40.5-46.5

Click here for more information about train travel in China: tickets purchase,change and cancellation,children ticket,luggage allowance, and etc.

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