Dali is famous for its ancient town. Sometimes, tourists would like travel from Kunming to Dali.Usually there are 6 trains travelling from Kunming to Dali. In peak season(July and August), there will be temporary trains.

It takes about 6-8 hours from Kunming to Dali. If you take a day train, you will spend almost all day on the train, about 6 or 7 hours. Night train is probably a good choice for most tourists. It is suggested that you buy a sleeper ticket and stay overnight on the train. In this way, you can save both time and money. Book a Train Ticket

Kunming to Dali by train

All the trains depart from Kunming Train Station and arrive at Dali Train Station.

Train Number Departure time Arrival time Duration
K9642 08:35 15:41 07:06
K9682 12:10 17:09 04:59
K9686 21:21 04:55 07:34
K9616 21:48 05:47 07:59
K9602 22:14 06:08 07:54
K9632 22:27 07:02 08:25
K9692 23:15 07:22 08:07

Dali to Kunming by train

All the trains depart from Dali Train Station and arrive at Kunming Train Station.

Train Number Departure time Arrival time Duration
K9608 10:16 17:09 06:53
K9688 11:14 16:23 05:09
K9644 20:08 04:29 08:21
K9638 21:23 04:53 07:30
K9618 21:54 04:41 06:48
K9614 23:33 06:04 06:31
K9684 23:59 06:41 06:42

Ticket fare

Soft Sleeper CNY 149.5
Hard Sleeper CNY 97.5
Hard Seat CNY 64

Click here for more information about train travel in China: tickets purchase, change and cancellation, children ticket, luggage allowance, and etc.

We ChinaTour.Net offers a reliable online train booking service. We have Train Schedules in English. It will be very easy for you to find your target train. Then, we will book the tickets for you. Only a few service fees charged. Book a Train Ticket

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