Jiuzhaigou Scenic Area is famous for its beautiful natural  landscape. This page is about how to travel from Beijing to Jiuzhaigou.

beijng to jiuzhaigou

Step 1 : Book a flight ticket or train ticket from Beijing to Jiuzhaigou.

Beijing to Jiuzhaigou by plane

Jiuzhaigou Scenic Area is located in the mountain area of Jiuzhaigou County. There are tourist buses travelling between Jiuzhaigou and Chengdu. It takes about 8 to 10 hours to drive to the Scenic Area. If you have no plan to go to Chengdu and you want to save time, it is much better to take a plane to Jiuzhaigou. Book a Flight Ticket

There are 3 direct flights and 20 connecting flight between the two cities.
It takes about 3-5 hours to fly from Beijing Capital International Airport to Sichuan Jiuzhaihuanglong Airport.
For connecting flights, it takes about 6-13 hours. Discount ticket available from CNY1500.

How to get to Beijing Capital International Airport
It is about 25 kilometers from the center of Beijing to Beijing Capital International Airport. Airport Express lines, airport buses, taxis are available. >>read more
Arriving at Sichuan Jiuzhaihuanglong Airport
Transportation of the airport
There are airport buses travelling from the airport to the scenic areas: Jiuzhaigou Scenic Area and Huanglong Scenic Area.
Airport to Jiuzhaigou Single trip:CNY45 (1.5-2h) Round trip: CNY80
Airport to Huanglong Single trip:CNY22 (1h) Round Trip: CNY40

Beijing to Jiuzhaigou by train

There are no train stations in Jiuzhaigou. If you want to take a train to Jiuzhaigou, you have to take a train to Chengdu first and then transfer to Jiuzhaigou by bus. Book a Train Ticket

The following is the information about trains from Beijing to Chengdu. It takes about 28-31 hours to travel from Beijing West Railway Station to Chengdu Railway Station.

There are four trains available everyday from Beijing to Chengdu. These trains start at Beijing West Railway Station and arrive at Chengdu Railway Station. It takes about 27-30h to travel between the two cities. Ticket prices range from CNY229.
Price overview
Soft Sleeper from CNY689
Hard Sleeper from CNY389
Hard Seat from CNY229

After arriving at Chengdu, you can take a tourist bus to Jiuzhaigou Scenic Area. It takes about 8 hours to go to Jiuzhaigou.

Step 2: Book a hotel in Jiuzhaigou.

Since Jiuzhaigou is very popular scenic area, there are many hotels just near the area. We ChinaTour.Net offer a hotel booking service with the best value. Book a hotel in Jiuzhaigou

Step 3: Take a tour in Jiuzhaigou.

It will take you about 1 or 2 days to go sightseeing at Jiuzhaigou. The surrounding scenic area such as Huanglong Scenic Area, Leshan Buddha, E’mei Mountain etc. also worth exploring. We Chinatour.Net offer a tour service. We will do as much as we can to make you a pleasant tour. Book a Jiuzhaigou tour


This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Ani

    Request for quotation :
    3 Days Jiuzhaigou /Huanglong Tour (around 8-10Nov 2019)
    Inclusive of hotel (4*) or better
    Meals if possible
    AdultsNumber(over_12_years_old): 4
    ChildrenNumber(2_to_11_years_old): 1
    Comments: 2 adults > 65 years

  2. graceli

    Our tour operator will contact you later.

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